When the Mama crowns the Daddy.

Franklin Frederick Wileman “With eyes like the sea after the storm” ~Buttercup How do you describe the word, Father?? I do realize that there shall be just as many answers to the question as there has been Fathers. For Me… One of the things I’ve appreciated as I’ve about grown away from “Men and Women” being in their “certain roles”… Is, I’ve also not lost the respect and awe that there is male energy and female energy that is in ALL of us. It’s a Beautiful Miracle!!! I saw some video recently that was all about how some Dads are afraid to say, “I Love You”. And how great it was that some can... Wellllllll… I’m not one to brag BUT…. “Everyone has a big butt…” ~Philosopher, peewee Herman. Wait… Yes I am! MAMA SAYS…. My husband has been such an AMAZING Father in the fact that not only is he not afraid to SAY I love you... He LIVES it out in so very many ways every. single. day of his life!! He works and provides for our fa...