
Showing posts from January, 2013

Hope in How I Can Call Myself a Christian and . . .

Sometimes when I post spiritual thoughts on my Facebook it really encourages people. I like that, esp ecially because I have always felt my spiritual giftedness leans toward en cour aging others and that is sure the way I would l ike to encourage the most . But other times, for whatever reason, it will offend people or make them take a shot at me via a FB post.  I guess when you put your soul out there, you can expect it to get kicked around a couple of times. I realize I take that r isk. I guess I just feel it's worth it.   I don't mind a good debate or d iscussion. I understand that there are over 30,000 Christian denominations out there and not every one is going to agree with my journey and findings along the way. That is OKAY.  I have LOTS of friends that I don't agree with on many issues and it's very good to discuss those things.  Geeze, if I only hung out with people I agree with, I'd be a dork. What does bother me about when this happens, is

Hope in the Midst of Hospice

It feels to me that I've been working on trying to heal over the las t couple of years . Things that just don't seem to want to work themselves out in my head continu e to haunt me on occasion and cause me to wrestle with feelings of despair and doubt. I wish to God that I could just "get over it!" I keep waiting for this resolution to magically happen or that I will finally find the key to work toward peace. But there are no magic formulas. Perhaps if I had been born with a glass-half-full personality , I woul d see things differently. But I was born me. I don't feel that I'm a major downer. I TRY not to be. But I can't pretend that I feel good on days that I just don't. I don't believe in sugar coating things.  One of my favorit e lines from the book/movie The Princess Bride is, "Life is hard Princess, anyone who tells you differently is trying to se ll you something!" I have nothing to sell. Then there are the times where