
Showing posts from January, 2014

Hope For Me When I Just Want To Tell Mark Driscoll To Shut Up Already!!!

A friend posted a video of a pastor-type that I've followed for some time now.  Mark Driscoll.  If you don't know who he is, good lord, save yourself!!! Move on and do not read this!  Ignorance CAN sometimes be bliss.   I just have to tell you the dude drives me insane! Here is a much shorter video of a classic Driscoll way of thinking. Which I'm SURE was "taken out of context"... NOT. This was a sermon he preached shortly after firing a couple of his elders at his mega church... He has a lot of power. Too much power. Here is the video I mentioned at the beginning of this blog. It's where he is answering some other pastor guy's questions to him... on YouTube. It's long and you don't have to watch it to catch the gist of my venting.... I'm going to criticize a bit here. Please forgive me my humanity. You know... I don't think Jesus CARES how cleverly

Hope in The Healing

"My wish for you is that you are held, witnessed and appreciated for all that you are in a way that heals all the times that you weren't. May you be totally seen, hea rd, and cherished. May you be so adored, that all your hurt and longing is forever washed away in a flood of endless love, flowing over from deep within your heart. And may you find a way to truly make the best of every experience, in the spirit of continuously improving the quality of your life, and the quality of the people in it. May you choose to only go up from here." ~ Thierry Maurel Suffering a wound is a terrible thing. There can be deep wounds or multiple wounds over time. They can occur in many different ways. Two people can be stabbed with the exact same knife in the exact same proximity of their body and have completely different damage done and completely different healing... Sorry, I know that's a bit of a gross way to start this off. Perhaps if you view this not as a physica