Mama says Grandpa Joe is AOK!

 I honestly don’t mind discussion of politics or religion. 

I actually LOVE real discussion about real things with *real* people with no hidden agendas...

But, there is also the fact that I have a very, very hard time trusting people in my older age.

But here’s the thing... it seems it usually cannot be an HONEST and agenda free, open discussion when we are talking about these subjects.

 It usually has to be an argument that divides. Oh don’t get me wrong… I am definitely not innocent of this sin.

If you look at the meme that I’ve used as my picture at the top… 

There is actually an entire controversy on this picture alone. It’s all really pretty stupid the things we busy ourselves with when we should be busy loving and doing onto others… again… Guilty as charged.

 I just like the picture because it sort of states my feelings about the guy. 

Which, as you know, are subject to change at any point in time. We get to do that as humans! I’m not sure if you knew that??? It’s really pretty cool, and it really gives you a lot of grace as you grow older.

I know that Joe Biden is a man who has been through much personal tragedy. I can relate to a man like that.

I know that he is the one who actually talked Obama into being more pro LGBTQ+ rights.

 How cool is that? The old white guy talked the young black dude into being more equality minded!! 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍🌈


 If that’s not humanity at its best, I don’t know what it is??

I feel like he has had a lot of really bad political ideas throughout his career and has learned from his mistakes and continues to keep trying to do better. 

Which to me speaks to the fact that he is a real, honest, open and genuine human being.

 I loved how he picked Kamala Harris as his running mate, when *she* was the one who was the most brutal to him during the primary debates!! Man, that woman ripped him a new one! You GO girl!!! 

Yet, many of my young friends are convinced that he is just as bad as Trump which really makes me sad to be honest. But they have a whole lifetime to realize how perfect they were when they were young. 😉 Not trying to discriminate youth here.

It also makes me sad that a lot of my young friends really just don’t care… And I get it!

 They shouldn’t *have* to care!

We put these people in office so that they can make our country a better place to live without us having to keep them accountable to do so…

My younger friends don’t even have time to think about politics… 

They are too busy working three jobs to be able to equal 40 hours a week!! (Because no Corporation wants to hire full-time people, because then, they have to offer benefits to their workers! 🙄). 

Bernie KNOWS what he’s talking about!!!

Most of my young friends are working those three jobs to try to pay off college or Technical college debts and to pay their bills and Extreme housing costs and medical expenses they can’t afford to pay for!!!! I live in one of the most democratic states in the United States and we have those problems here as well!!!!

We are a country divided, continuously trying to be united! At least I hope we continue to try to be united. Can we do that when we disagree on so much? 

I don’t know. We shall see.

Makes me think of the story of the Tower of Babel… Remember that from Sunday school?

 Men were trying to build a tower all the way up to the Heavens and God got angry and jealous because that’s what gods do right??

 So God caused them to all have different languages So they could not move forward and become a great nation…

The irony of this...

Is that to this day, some Christians argue with each other about whether that was a myth or story written down to drive forth more important truths...

 or if it actually, literally happened. 

Either way I guess the story serves a purpose doesn’t it! It depends on how you look at it; 

like everything else in life.

I hope Joe Biden and the Democratic Party can prove my younger friends wrong. And prove me wrong!!! 

Because I truly don’t believe a political party will ever, ever fix everything. 

I mean, if you fix everything. What more is there to work on??? And then, what is the purpose  of existing?

But I digress

Mama says this is pretty cool though!!

The Old Presidents Club

The thing that gets me the most angry…

Here is where I get to do a bit of what I call “shadow work.” 

My way of getting my anger out.

People who were/are for Trump are just such raging hypocrites by and large!

 To try to make Biden look like a pervert.

There is no comparison between the two, if we are looking at being a pervert that is. 

At least grandpa Joe apologized that he can be very touchy-feely and some people just don’t like that… I happen to be a very touchy-feely person who has to watch her boundaries with other people. 

I kiss my friends sometimes, not just hug them… 

Well… Not anymore! 

Shall we talk about Trump’s handling of the Pandemic? 🙄🙄🙄

I don’t really recall a time when Trump apologized for his pussy grabbing comment as well as the many, many other degrading comments he has made towards women in general. 

Character matters folks!!!

 I believed that back in the day with Bill Clinton... I believe it now with Trump!!!!!

Also, when Trump supporters like to say that Grandpa Joe is senile… Have they actually listened to Trump talk??? I pray to the gods that I am as “senile” as Joe Biden in my 70s!

Trump supporters also like to talk about Biden being “in” with Communist China and wanting to make America just like China?? I don’t see evidence of that? 

Can I just say, that it’s one thing to disagree with a President’s trade policies and another thing to say he wants to be a communist dictator… which AGAIN... how can they not see that is exactly what Trump wanted to be!? 

Oh please universe… Let there be a trial where real, hard evidence comes out and people can finally see some light and some truth!

Can we please at least agree we do not want another 4 years like we just had!???

But really??? They are worried about Communist China now??? Trump has been in bed with Russia (people went to JAIL for that!!!) and worshiping freaking dictators like they are gods! 

Speaking of gods… 

That is the other thing Trump people want to claim about Biden. 

“He wants to take away our God.”

Did they even see the inauguration?? 

Do they even know a shred of information about Joe’s spiritual path???? No. 


Because it is pretty clear to me that that Trump seems to be their god.

The last time I checked, America has never chosen one religion or one version of ANY religion to be it’s platform!! 

I hope and PRAY we never ever do. 

(See what I did there?) 😉

 Even when I was a young Christian right wing conservative I saw how wrong that was; and I believed a lot of really stupid shit back then! 🤣🤣

Damn straight we’d like to take him away!!! Straight to jail do not pass go do not collect any more money from innocent people.

 I’ve given up trying to reason with the Trumpsters. And now I am thankful to Providence that I don’t even HAVE to for four years!!

Mama says... “Good Luck Grandpa Joe!!!” 

I am rooting for you brother!



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