When Mama embraces the ð Moon

My “alter”. Interestingly enough, my prayers are that it altar me! (See what I did there?) ð It’s Sunday today. Church day as I recall?? It’s been so long I can’t remember. I like that feeling. It’s 75 and sunny today. I like that feeling too. It’s snowing in the state across the country that I used to live in... “A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.” But I digress. I thought I would share a bit of my spirit with you today. It’s hard for me to bear my soul to people because it has been rejected so very many times... But continue to do it I MUST. “Why does the man climb the mountain?” “Because it’s there!!!” Interestingly enough... I remember daydreaming back in 7th grade science class. I did that all the time. I just had a really hard time paying attention and grasping concepts. They have special drugs for that now I hear. I didn’t even smoke pot back then soooo... The science teacher called on me to answer a question. I wasn’t fully paying at...