Mama says, Do Your Yoga!


If you are a complete type A personality, a fitness junkie or a complete healthy food eater...

this blog is NOT for you! This blog is for people like me who have ALWAYS struggled with weight gain and body image and bad eating habits and wishes someone would have turned me on to Yoga in My 20’s


Puberty was crazy. Having my period sucked. Having children was fricken hard!!!  But no one really warned me about the worst one... peri menopause!!

I have been having multiple issues with pain and with my mood stability the last year and a half. One night I looked up peri menopause, and all of these issues fit!

 I won’t bore you with all the gory details. I am getting help from my doctor. Thank the Goddess for Estrogen and Legal marijuana!  

But one thing I am learning is that my body, as completely imperfect as it may be... has served me well for many many years! I need to love her and treat her well! 

So that is why I share with you, the best thing I have found to treat my body well! YOGA! 

My sister Doreen came to visit me a year ago. My sister has MS and has been so good at taking care of her body in spite of all the challenges she faces. She is ten years older than me, so I always think to myself,  “Hmm, I could look that good in ten years from now. Cool!” (Yes I’m hoping she leaves me in her will...) 😉

I asked her how she was able to stay as fit as she always has and she introduced me to Yoga!

The “Sun Salutation” yoga routine, is what she shared with me. I just LOVE that name!! 

She showed me the poses she does and I wrote them down! I could barely do ANY of the poses she was showing me! But it just made sense to me that using all of these different muscle groups, at least a little each day will HELP me and it’s not hard to do!! 

Well, that was over a year ago and I am proud to say I can actually hold my positions without pain (and then pain for three days after!) I wish I could say I did it every day!! I’m still trying! 

My whole motivation to share this was to push myself to do it more! A “Practice what you preach” sort of  Motivational approach! Also, I wish someone had shared with me how easy this was a long time ago!! 

Just do a little every day and pretty soon you’re able to do more and more. Just do it with love in your heart for your body and listen to your body! Don’t push when it is telling you, it can’t!! I have a friend at work who does yoga so much, she can put her leg behind her head!!!! 

Yeah, my body says, “To hell with that!” 😂

I added some of my own poses. My whole routine only takes only about 10 - 15 minutes and I love to listen to a meditation while I am going through the moves! Here’s my latest fave!

Seriously!!! If I can do this... YOU can do it!! 

Here we go!!!!

I call this... “Getter done before the sun sets!”

Hopefully the link will work to take you to the poses!



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