Mama says, “SIX MILLION dollars for WHAT??”
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Woodlands Church, Stevens Point, WI Religion/ Denomination Evangelical “Free” |
It's interesting to look back on my blogs and see some of the brainwashing that took place. It keeps me humble and it causes me to be wary of any thing, place or person trying to control my heart and mind.
~Mamaste (see what I did there?)
Most of you also know I was asked to "step down" from a leadership role at said church because I was "naughty"...
Reading “naughty” books...
Questioning whether or not Jesus would accept Gays. Gasp!!
I also lashed out (privately) at one of the Pastor's wives who thought she could bully me into not sharing my beliefs.
I guess I learned MY lesson! 😆
I recently wrote a blog talking about one of my experiences at this very church.
I recently wrote a blog talking about one of my experiences at this very church.
Imagine my surprise when my blog had an anonymous comment left on it by someone, who probably is still a part of this huge enterprise.
Didn't think anyone from that giant corporation would even notice a little pipsqueak like me!! How flattered am I??? 😉
Well Namaste Mother F*cker!
That prompted me to do a little digging.
Some things NEVER EVER change!!
When Frank and I went to this church over 28 years ago we got involved in a "building campaign".
Think political campaign, but to build a brand new building.
I think they sold the old building to a group wishing to start an Hmong church.
We couldn’t sell it to just any sinner you know!! 🤣
We gave a BUNCH of money to build this huge church! To move from the already huge church we had.
I actually used to attend this church when I was a little girl with my Momma, back in the days that it started at the YMCA!!
This “Evangelical Free” church my husband and I attended had a HUGE building campaign to raise money to build an entire new building!!
I had saved up money to buy myself an above ground pool because I had wanted one all my life!!
I gave that money to the church for the building fund.
We gave most of our offerings in cash because we felt this way, we would be "not letting the left hand know what the right hand is doing.". That would be church lingo. If you don't know what that means, don't worry. It's just a church way to keep people "humble."
Didn't even get the joys of writing it off for taxes! Yes. I'm DUMB.
But I digress.
The arrow and the place circled in yellow on the picture above, was the huge church we gave lots of money to build.
Well, now they are getting even bigger!
No surprise there! Its a corporation. That is what corporations DO. They grow and they cast off and step on the little guy to do so.
We see it in every corporate setting. If it's not about money, it's about power...
Where religion is concerned though... we get to pretend its about "Jesus" and his message of LOVE. 🙄
“IF” you do... blah blah blah...
The parishioners of this church donated over 6 million dollars to build this monstrosity!!
Just so they could have a big ass worship sanctuary to fit 1200 people!!
Just in time for COVID-19 🤪
I don't know about you... but Mama thinks it's time to start taxing churches!
Just. Wow.
Do churches do some good things?
Sure they do, but so do hospitals and schools and other “businesses”. But those businesses do it without Spiritual Manipulation.
If you EVER speak out against one of these big religious powers... they will CRUSH you.
You will find that no one is interested in hearing your side of the story.
The people still at the church believe there must be something wrong with YOU for having any bad thoughts about them!
All while smiling and being the nicest people you’ve ever met!
See... “CULT”.
I’d love it if people would be willing to share any of their stories in the comment section of harm done by a place like this...
I just would love to let people know what EXACTLY they’re getting for their 6 million dollars.
It's time to wake up and SEE believers!!!
You've been sleeping for far too long!
Your religion is filthy rags.
Mama says...
Enjoy your religion!
But please don’t EVER forget what Jesus was ACTUALLY trying to tell people!!!
But don’t listen to me... I’m a heretic! 🤣
~Mamaste (see what I did there?)
I was a music director/minister at an evangelical church for 10 years. My motivation was always following Jesus but I learned the hard way that the church's real motivation is money, survival, and ultimately political dominance. When these two motivations eventually clashed beyond resolution, I was fired in an abrupt leadership decision that was kept secret from the church (they said I resigned). Since then, I've had to find my own path. I did not want that to happen but ultimately that's how I was able to get free from the institution and I haven't looked back since.
ReplyDeleteI never felt harmed so much as so many years of my life were spent thinking I was following Jesus. But those years made me what I am today, including the few years spent climbing out of the church trap. And eventually, the whole house of cards fell and I left spiritual pursuits altogether. Much better on this side, I can tell you that.
ReplyDeleteSpiritual manipulation is right! I received Biblical counseling from a church leader when I was going through a very painful time in my life. I had finally gathered the courage to reach out and reveal abuses that my kids and I had been living with. It was excrusiating and left me feeling very vulnerable and raw. I needed to be able to get me and my kids into a safer place, but the only acceptible recourse with this counselor was reconciliation. They kept coming back around to these carefully selected Scripture passages: Take every thought captive and make it obedient to Christ; the heart is deceitful and wicked above all else; a man plans his ways, but the LORD directs his steps. Taking all of those verses together would mean that I could not trust my mind, or my heart, or my actions. If I could not trust any of those things, then I was only left with thinking, feeling, and doing what others told me to - what the church told me to - what my spiritual leaders were telling me to. And I knew I couldn't do that. It became one of my "a-ha!" moments. What they wanted from me went against my testimony, my kids' testimony, the recommendations of other doctors and psychologists and social workers, and even good common sense. And I thought about something my grandma told me once - about Johnny's mom who proudly watched Johnny march in a parade. And how everyone was out of step, except Johnny. The moral is, of course, is that if everyone is out of step except you, then it is you who is out of step. The church was out of step with their "Biblical" counseling, and I wasn't going to let them keep marching all over me - to the detriment of me and my kids. And for what? Maintaining a facade of righteousness? It was time to get real and get out.
ReplyDeleteMy daughter went to youth group there. They wanted my daughter to go to a weekend retreat, but she had a basketball tournament that same weekend. Her leader tried telling her basketball wasn't important. To her it was, we did the basketball. Then she decided youth group wasn't for her because they were trying to control her.