
Showing posts from November, 2020

Mama says, “SIX MILLION dollars for WHAT??”

  Woodlands Church, Stevens Point, WI Religion/ Denomination Evangelical “Free”  Most of you know this blog was started over 10 years ago when I was still part of a mega-church.  It's interesting to look back on my blogs and see some of the brainwashing that took place. It keeps me humble and it causes me to be wary of any thing, place or person trying to control my heart and mind. Most of you also know I was asked to "step down" from a leadership role at said church because I was "naughty"... Reading “naughty” books... LOVE WINS Questioning whether or not Jesus would accept Gays. Gasp!!  I also lashed out (privately) at one of the Pastor's wives who thought she could bully me into not sharing my beliefs.  I guess I learned MY lesson!  😆 I recently wrote a blog talking about one of my experiences at this very church.  Imagine my surprise when my blog had an anonymous comment left on it by someone, who probably is still a part of this huge enterprise....

Mama says you’re included, but you might not be a friend...

  ~I’ve lost friends for various reasons throughout my life.  One time in the 7th grade, one of my best friends ended our friendship because...  “She heard I tried smoking!!”  😮😮 Yep. Our relationship was never the same again because I tried a ciggie! Even though I apologized and begged her to take me back and promised her I would never try it again!!  Nope! No deal! I guess I just counted myself lucky that she didn’t tell my Mom on me as well!  Momma would say to me, “Don’t ever smoke!” With a cigarette hanging out of her mouth! 🤣  My Momma also said, “Do as I say, not as I do!”  But it worked! I don’t smoke cigarettes. 😉       I use that line on my daughter to this day!    ~I also lost a lot of friends when I drifted away from the Christian religion/ “cult” I was in.  Especially when I had the audacity to talk about that journey in my blogs or on Facebook!!  “We don’t talk about injustice and the bad things...