Mama says Grandpa Joe is AOK!

I honestly don’t mind discussion of politics or religion. I actually LOVE real discussion about real things with *real* people with no hidden agendas... But, there is also the fact that I have a very, very hard time trusting people in my older age. But here’s the thing... it seems it usually cannot be an HONEST and agenda free, open discussion when we are talking about these subjects. It usually has to be an argument that divides. Oh don’t get me wrong… I am definitely not innocent of this sin. If you look at the meme that I’ve used as my picture at the top… There is actually an entire controversy on this picture alone. It’s all really pretty stupid the things we busy ourselves with when we should be busy loving and doing onto others… again… Guilty as charged. I just like the picture because it sort of states my feelings about the guy. Which, as you know, are subject to change at any point in time. We get to do that as humans! I’m not sure if you knew...