Hope in losing Hope for awhile

I still converse with Jesus... I have been letting him know I don't even know what to do with Easter anymore. I let him know that I honestly don't even know if he rose from the dead. I just don't know anything anymore!! I'm very honest with Jesus. If someone says to me this Easter... "He is risen!" My answer is going to be... "I honestly don't know if he is... but I sure would like to believe it!" I actually asked for some sort of "sign" or "message" from Jesus for some help on this... I'm glad I still feel that Jesus is cool with my utter honesty and rawness of who I am! Today, a friend of mine shared this blog: http://jenhatmaker.com/blog/2017/04/14/my-saddest-good-friday-in-memory-when-treasured-things-are-dead It was written by a popular evangelical christian speaker. She probably won't be getting many more speaking gigs. At least not with the evangelicals. You see, she got a divorce. We all kn...