
Showing posts from February, 2015

Hope From St. Valentine

It's Valentine's Day. Around this time I tend to notice a certain disdain about VD from people... wait...what? HA HA! Sorry, I'm a little punchy from not having slept well. My 11 year old little boy, who was born with a significant chromosome abnormality, had the stomach flu last night after already going through a month or two of sinus infections and colds. It's quite an adventure when he gets the flu. He has no idea what is going on with him and has absolutely no ability to hit the toilette or let us know he is throwing up! My almost (in three days!) 14 year old daughter has caught some of the Valentine's Day cynicism I mentioned at the start. "I HATE Valentines Day" she told me.  Then she mentioned all the reasons why she didn't like it. I agreed with her 100% The things that are meant to paint a certain stereotype and sell flowers and cards and such really isn't what Love is about at all. I DID have to laugh, however, at her good joke of as...