Hope from Progressive Soup!!

I have to wonder if someone made this meme out of fear, or pure meanness, or self righteous anger? What would motivate someone to create something like this? An even bigger question on my mind is, WHAT does this sort of sarcasm accomplish? Not to mention the fact that it isn't even really accurate. When they are talking about the "same old Christianity" which one are they speaking of? The Christianity of the Dark Ages? Gosh, I sure hope not! Or perhaps the Christianity of the Reformation, because if that's the one... then the poor Catholics are screwed... Maybe it's the more modern version of Christianity like that of The Westboro Baptist Church? Perhaps it might be one of the over thirty THOUSAND Christian denominations that has exisited or currently exists!? Oh I HOPE I've picked the right one!!! Why does the word "Progress" seem to frighten so many Christians? Now don't get me wrong. I understand that "Christians" don't hol...