Hope from Relationships

I have found many golden nuggets of tips and advice in the form of lists or various quotes. I wish there were a way to tattoo some of these right on my brain! I have a friend who keeps a journal she calls "The Best of the Best". In it she writes down all sorts of quotes and things that she has found comfort and wisdom from. Relationships. What sort of tips and advice on relationships do you think you'd find in a "best of the best"? There sure are a lot of different types of relationships aren't there? I wonder if anyone has sat down and classified the differing types of friendships there are? There are Facebook friendships I have with people I've never met in real life and yet feel a real connection and genuine love for! Wrote about that a bit here... http://hopeanchorssoul.blogspot.com/2011/11/hope-in-social-network-world.html The casual friends you pick up through shared experiences like working on a community project or various functions, groups...