Hope from Joan of Arc

Be free to be who you are. What comes to mind when you hear that? Well, I'll tell you what I think. I'm 45 years old and I still don't know "who" I am yet. So how do you "be" something you feel you haven't even arrived at yet? And yet, I heard a saying once, "Wherever you go... there you are." I guess I feel that one fits my journey the best. Some people spend LOTS of time figuring out how to "arrive". There are books published, blogs written and spiritual seminars held all in the hope of reaching that "Nirvana, Heaven, Awakening, Spiritual Maturity. Whatever you want to call it. Maybe I'm just too much of a pessimist. I really don't feel I'm going to reach that in my lifetime. Yet, at the same time I feel I HAVE reached it, many times. Does that make sense? Wherever you go, there you are. I think one of the hardest things for me is how I sometimes really have to struggle and fight to be myself. I worry abo...