
Showing posts from August, 2013

Hope from MADEA!

In my journey of tying to truly understand love and grace, and striving to live out my favorite verse, "The only thing that counts, is faith expressing itself through love." (Gal 5:6); I would have to say that my gateway drug, was Madea. A few years back, some friends invited my husband and I to come over and watch a Madea movie with them. We had no idea what to expect. Little did I know that a lot of my views of the world and God were about to be challenged and changed dramatically. Madea is a character created and played by an actor/director named, Tyler Perry. If you've never heard of this character, go out and rent "Madea's Family Reunion" or "Diary of a Mad Black Woman" and THEN come read this... Here is a little sample of Classic Madea: (Here he is playing two of his roles, Madea and her nephew who is a lawyer) What I love about Tyler Perry, is where he came from. (From Wikipedia)   ...

Hope through the "Summer of Hell"

SUCCESS at a water park after a TERRIBLE experience at one last Summer. This started out as a Facebook post... I guess I had more to say than I realized. I woke up this morning thinking about how thankful I am that sometimes things get better for awhile. I DO say... "for awhile", because I know that they can also get "worse... for awhile" too!! Such is the cycle of Life. I usually refer to last Summer of 2012 as "The Summer of Hell"... It. Was. Horrible. Noah was CONSTANTLY hitting himself in the ear/nose/cheek chin. To the point of bruising! Numerous Doctor's appointments, a surgery, Specialists, opinions of others... NOTHING seemed to help him. We were powerless to find out what was hurting him and thus, how to help him!?? We couldn't do anything or go places as a family. We actually TRIED a family vacation... we ended up having to come home feeling SO defeated. Holly had some serious issues with anxiety she'd been struggling through. So...