Hope Amidst Churchianity Insanity??

Another Mega-church minister is being arrested for sexual misconduct. I have a feeling that you may read that first sentence and say... "And t his is new... HOW??" That's pretty sad isn't it? Bec ause you'd be right. Here are the details if you're interested , but that is not re ally the point of m e writing this . http://www.christianpost.com/news/jack-schaap-facing-10-years-in-teen-sex-case-as-troubling-details-unfold-91897/ Jack Schaap was the S enior Pasto r of a fifteen THOUSAND mem ber church in Indiana. A church th at forcefully po unds the fist at "sinners". Prid ing the mselves on their ability to know the RIGHT way to live. Here is a small sample of J ac k's fine preaching on women and their "place" when he was questioned by a "worldly" reporter from CBS. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqN9Oan3YnU Pretty insanely dogmatic wou ldn't you think ? Fifteen THOUSAND people listen to this sort of thing. We ...