Hope that God REALLY WANTS us to SEEK and to ASK

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rG1CDec4qkg&feature=youtu.be A link for the promotional vid eo for this book Rob Bell's n ew book is coming out and already t he criticism begins in "Internet World" . Here are just some of the things I've heard so far. * He's a False Teacher * He's a wolf in sheep's clothing * He doesn't believe in 2 Timoth y 3:16,17 "All scri pture is God b reathed...etc" * I will NOT compromise on "Truth" * He's a Universalist * He doesn't preach "repentance" * He doesn't promote "obeying God" * "I'm saying all this, bec ause I LO VE you." I'm sure, like me, people have alr eady taken to blogging about it. Most people, like me, have alre ady made up their mind on his writings and teachings . Most, probably will not change their opinion on that, and guess what? That is FINE. This really isn't meant to be a "book review". Obviously, because I have...