Hope in How I Can Call Myself a Christian and . . .

Sometimes when I post spiritual thoughts on my Facebook it really encourages people. I like that, esp ecially because I have always felt my spiritual giftedness leans toward en cour aging others and that is sure the way I would l ike to encourage the most . But other times, for whatever reason, it will offend people or make them take a shot at me via a FB post. I guess when you put your soul out there, you can expect it to get kicked around a couple of times. I realize I take that r isk. I guess I just feel it's worth it. I don't mind a good debate or d iscussion. I understand that there are over 30,000 Christian denominations out there and not every one is going to agree with my journey and findings along the way. That is OKAY. I have LOTS of friends that I don't agree with on many issues and it's very good to discuss those things. Geeze, if I only hung out with people I agree with, I'd be a dork. What does bother me about when this happens, is ...