Hope from the Trouble Makers.

A blind beggar realizes Jesus is passing by. He shouts, "JESUS, SON OF DAVID, HAVE MERCY ON ME!" Instantly the crowd shouts at the man to be quiet. Everyone around the man tries to keep him from making a scene... to keep him from annoying Jesus. But the man just wants to SEE! He, was a Tro ublemaker!! It is the nature of human beings to want to silence those who interrupt our routine activities and understandings. We don't like those who speak up, who go against the status-quo, who refuse to keep quiet , w ho reject compliance as a way of life. We would much rather shut people down than have them speak up and see. Jesus gives this man his sight by the way. There are a new group of Christian thinkers rising up that many conservative , traditional thinkers are very fearful of. They have categorized these thinkers as "Emergent". I'm not really all that interested in the labels and putting things into categories. It's not the point of t...