Hope in a Husband!

I happen to be a Hopeless Romantic. What I mean is that I truly DO have unrealistic views when it comes to romantic relationships. I'll just come right out and say it. I struggle with the fact that fairy tales, books and movies are NOT real life. For example, the way that Mr. Darcy finally comes to terms with the fact that he longs for Miss Bennet so fiercely in Pride and Prejudice . In the movie, Ladyhawk , Navarre will stop at nothing to break a curse and be with his beloved Isabeau. The sacrificial, cross-cultural and abiding love of Aragorn and Arwen of The Lord of the Rings . The way that The Farm boy (pure and perfect) in The Princess Bride , won't give up his belief of True Love and shows Buttercup his feelings by always replying to her requests, “As You Wish”. There is this thing inside of me that often longs for it to be the way those fairy-tales are. Yes, I know , they are not that way in real life! But I just can't stop feel...