Hope in Acceptance and Being Real with people

Sometimes I just wish we could be honest and truly open with each other. It sure would save a lot of heartache and confusion at times, wouldn't it? Other times it may cause MORE heartache and confusion. That's the thing with relationships. They really do need to be REAL to make them worth anything. But it's HARD to do! Oh there's also MANY levels to relationship, but I don't have time to try to explore that right now. I love my relationship with my husband, my family and my very close friends. I KNOW they LOVE me, no matter what and I love them the same! I know that sometimes when we have a falling out or disagree or get angry with each other... LOVE covers a multitude of sins. "Above ALL, LOVE each other DEEPLY, because Love covers a MULTITUDE of sins." 1 Peter 4:8 I think if my family had a Family Crest... THAT would be it! Many of you who KNOW me, who read this, will think... "Oh yeah... I REALLY have put up with her crap a few time...