Hope in "A Word"

One of the things I really like about myself is that I really don't have one "type" of friend that I enjoy being with. I am thankful that I have a vast array of friends with different... every-things! I learn from people and have constantly been humbled whenever I'm foolish enough to start to make a stereotype. I have a newer friend I met a little over a year ago who has been such a blessing in my life. She is a VERY spiritual person. Her roots in her faith have come from a more Charismatic/Pentecostal experience. Things like, speaking in "tongues", visions, dreams, prophesying to one another.. are things that she is more comfortable with. My experience tends to be more of a "that just does not exist, so we don't talk about it" type of background. Even though I have always appreciated the mysticism that is God working all around us, all the time! I love how she sees almost every situation in her life as a message from God. She is N...