Hope from The Help

I went to see the movie, "The Help", with some lady friends. My husband and I had been to the movies a couple months before and I saw the poster for it and instantly knew I HAD to see that movie. I did not realize it was a popular book. It is a story about the injustice of segregation and all of the fallout that happens when someone challenges that. How people live in a way to consider themselves better than others or turn a blind eye when things seem to really be "just fine" with their world and yet cruelty and hatred abound in it's most sinister disguise, "morality" and "high society". The character, Aibileen, has been taking care of white folk's children since she was 14 years old. The movie starts off with her telling her tales of life as a housekeeper and caretaker of children. One of the things she narrates as you watch her just loving on this child was, "Babies LOVE big thighs"... which immediately made my ...